Analysis / FeaturesCan Chinese Firms Be Truly Private? Feb 7, 2023Scott Kennedy and Ilaria Mazzocco As China’s economy moved away from state planning and policymakers introduced market reforms in the 1980s and 1990s, many observers expected that in addition to promoting the growth of the Chinese economy, privatization would also have substantial political implications. Most importantly, it was thought that the rise of the private sector could lead to the… Economics, National Security, US-China Competition
Analysis / FeaturesThe AI-Surveillance Symbiosis in China Jul 27, 2022Ilaria Mazzocco Artificial Intelligence and the U.S.-China Relationship Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is already playing a role in people’s daily lives through applications ranging from driver-assistance systems, to medical diagnostics and financial management. AI is a general-purpose technology that, like electricity, has the potential to deeply change and restructure many economic and social activities. However, AI’s potential… AI, Decoupling, National Security, Tech, US-China Competition
EventThe AI-Surveillance Symbiosis in China: A Big Data China Event Jul. 27, 2022 | 12:00 PM EST Online The CSIS Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics and the Stanford Center on China’s Economy and Institutions (SCCEI) launch the third feature of the new collaboration, Big Data China, on July 27 at 12 p.m. ET. The feature, “The AI-Surveillance Symbiosis in China,” highlights the work of professors Noam Yuchtman (London School of Economics) and…