
18 Items, Page 2 of 2

Governance by Data: How China’s Party-State Keeps Its Pulse on the People 

The 20th Party Congress in Beijing in November highlighted just how much power Xi Jinping and his closest allies have concentrated in their hands. Control is more centralized than ever, and surveillance is ubiquitous in China. While these trends have consolidated the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) power and further reduced public opposition, such a system…

How U.S.-China Tensions Have Hurt American Science

There is a growing concern in Washington that the United States government, its companies, and universities have helped drive the rapid growth of China’s high-tech sector to the detriment of America’s overall national interest. Accusations of intellectual property (IP) theft and state-sponsored industrial espionage by China have loomed large in the bilateral relationship. These concerns…

The China Shock: Reevaluating the Debate

As the U.S.- China relationship continues to deteriorate, the role of trade has come under increasing scrutiny. Commercial exchanges between the two countries used to be the ballast of the relationship. Trade was understood to benefit both countries economically and helped reduce tensions on political and strategic issues. Over the past decade, this has changed…

Doing Fieldwork in China: Evolution and Prospects

Field research over the last four decades has been critical to increasing the world’s understanding of China. There are many other research methods including careful reading of documents and the media, surveys, databases, scraping websites, satellite imagery, but field research provides unique learning opportunities. One would be hard-pressed to legitimately call someone who rarely if…

Why “Big Data China” Is Needed More Than Ever

Scott Kennedy, Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics at CSIS, and Scott Rozelle, Co-Director of the Stanford Center on China’s Economy and Institutions, discuss Big Data China, a new project aimed at bridging the gap between cutting-edge academic research on China and the Washington policy community.

The AI-Surveillance Symbiosis in China

Artificial Intelligence and the U.S.-China Relationship Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is already playing a role in people’s daily lives through applications ranging from driver-assistance systems, to medical diagnostics and financial management. AI is a general-purpose technology that, like electricity, has the potential to deeply change and restructure many economic and social activities. However, AI’s potential…

How Inequality is Undermining China’s Prosperity

China’s Inequality Challenge Chinese policymakers are confronting a visibly faltering economy that may no longer grow at the rate needed to achieve the country’s development goals. The challenge is compounded by the country’s persistent inequality. Stanford University professor Scott Rozelle and his research collaborators at other universities around the world have been at the forefront of research on inequality and…